Travel France - Tour of Bourges Cathedral

Bourges  • 

Take a tour of Bourges Cathedral, Bourges -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, I am Naomi and I am very excited to show you the world's greatest attractions. Nearly two thousand years of history surrounds the majestic Bourges Cathedral. The structure dates back to the 12th century, evidence by the magnificent Gothic architecture. Its construction spands several centuries and evolved according to the building styles of various eras. The Holy site has survived several wars in its centuries of existence. Ornate carvings on the building's facade illustrate biblical scenes in the lives of saints. The beauty history and religious inspiration of this UNESCO world heritage site draw world wide visitors. Situated in central France Bourges Cathedral continues to endure its grandeur. Thank you for watching our travel video series, see ya next time.